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How To Do Art Therapy At Home

How To Do Art Therapy At Home

Therapy is similar to psychotherapy or counseling, a certain form of treatment for emotional instability. It helps to relieve emotional distress and mental health problems. This form of therapy is usually done by trained individuals. Because it involves certain methods which are only open to the experts.  As therapy requires conversational audacity most does not feel easy at first. This is why experts offer a few simple and other types of therapy to help them open up and tell their stories. Among them, the most common and useful therapy is art therapy. But how to do art therapy at home?

Art therapy integrates psychotherapeutic techniques it helps the mental health to be creative. This helps to express the inner feelings. Drawing, painting, sculpture, or collage helps the participant to convey their words through art. This is for those who find it difficult to express their inner feelings through words. So instead of speaking what they have in mind, they express their emotions through a piece of work.

What is art therapy?

To people, art is like a childish part-time. But don’t understand the depth of art therapy. Art therapy requires creative integrity. This is a form of therapy that can convey the deepest institution of human nature. One can even express their whole life story in this. The most common forms of art therapy are Drawing, painting, sculpture, or collage. Art specifically speaks about ourselves, in different shapes and forms. 

While most assume that art is not their style, still they can feel immense joy while doing it. There are certain ways to initiate art therapy in life. You can either take it as an inspiration or you can make it your profession. It helps you relax, express emotion, and learn things that are new to you. The focus of art therapy is not to create an art. It’s about recreating yourself through the art. 

How to do art therapy at home

If you are someone who is not having the easiest time to express your feelings. Then it’s better to have your own space for expressing your inner feelings. So, you can go for art therapy activities in your house. There are various kinds of art therapy ideas you can give a shot at. But before that, you need a few things to start your journey in art therapy. Here are some tips on how to do art therapy at home: 

Understanding what is art therapy

Before even going for a deep dive first we need to discover what therapy really refers to. Art therapy is a form of non-verbal language that helps to express words or emotions in terms of art. It is the human mind’s creativity to convey its emotion within it.

Setting up the space

Your environment helps a lot to understand a deeper thought of your own self. It’s a kind of private space for you to express your emotions. So, in order to get the best out of art therapy first choose a place that is private to you and you feel a lot of connection. Your space should be free from distraction and a place for creative thinking. 

Making a routine and theme personalization

Now, that you have found your place it is time you make a routine. You must make a proper planning. So, first, make a routine for when you will sit down for your therapy and how much time you can spend on it. This will determine how much you are going to be capable of doing things. Make a weekly routine and also include time with it. But keep a minimum of 30 minutes which is beneficial. 

So, now you may need a  theme which suits you. Yes, there are options and a variety of art therapy ideas so you need to reconsider which suits you the best. If you are not comfortable with your art therapy exercise then there is no hope for results. Also, remember art therapy activities for teens and adults are different and have a lot of things to understand. 

For Kids

  • Color Your Mood: Children choose colors that represent their feelings and color a blank paper or a mood chart. This helps in identifying and expressing emotions.
  • Self-Portrait: Kids create a self-portrait using any medium they prefer. This activity encourages self-exploration and expression of self-identity.
  • Stress Painting: Using paint and paper, children express things that cause them stress. The physical act of painting can also help release tension.
  • Clay Sculpting: Children use clay to create figures or objects that represent how they feel. This tactile activity is great for sensory exploration.
  • Dream Catchers: Making dream catchers can help children express their hopes and dreams, providing a sense of safety and positivity.
  • Family Drawing: Kids draw their family members and discuss the drawing, which can reveal their perceptions of family dynamics and relationships.
  • Nature Collage: Collecting natural materials and assembling them into a collage helps children connect with nature and explore their creativity.

For Adults

  • Art Journaling: Keeping an art journal where you draw, paint, or collage feelings and experiences serves as a reflective and meditative practice.
  • Mandala Creation: Drawing or coloring mandalas can be a meditative process that helps reduce stress and center the mind.
  • Photography Projects: Taking photos based on specific themes or emotions and then reflecting on them can offer new perspectives and insights.
  • Collage of Emotions: Creating a collage from magazine images, fabric, and other materials allows adults to explore and express complex emotions.
  • Sculpting: Working with materials like clay or found objects to create sculptures can help in expressing and processing emotions through the physical act of creating.
  • Paint Your Music: Listening to music and painting what it evokes can be a powerful way to express emotions and experiences that are hard to articulate.
  • Write and Burn: Writing down troubling or stressful thoughts and then painting over them or burning the paper safely can be a symbolic way of letting go of those thoughts.

Choosing memory 

Your memory is your strength for creativity and better expression of emotions. Your emotions and trauma are a clear indication of bad or good memories. So, to understand the limit go along for the observation of your past. Figure out the good and bad memories that you have felt in your life. Follow the terms such as “I was happy”, “it was better”, “it hurt and nobody understood”, “I have to let go” etc. These terms and similar to them help you with your goal. A specific prompt or memory helps to express your feelings easily and with more details.

How to enable emotional response during art therapy

During your art session, you need to be more expressive. First, you need to draw and draw with nothing in mind. A blank mind sometimes imitates the verbal emotion you want to express to others. Once your blank mind creates a connection with your art it will by itself deliver the emotional response. You will be able to understand your art and you will figure out how to reshape it. Your art will speak like words or verbal responses it won’t be just a piece of art it will be a story that you want to explain to others. So for this reason you can try to look for any drawing activities for therapy. Also, it’s better if you can try out most of the tools which is helpful for better revealing your ideas fluently. 

Seek Professional Help

Lastly, after you are done with your work sometimes it may become difficult to understand your own work. It’s very common among people who want support from others for their trauma. If you are unable to figure out the true meaning of your art look for a professional. They will be able to help you understand your inner desire and guide you through it. Also, they will connect the dots of your feelings to make you realize your true self and go along with it. 

Using Color Wheel As A Therapy

A color wheel is a creative way of figuring out the right emotions. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out the real emotion. Because we feel so much emotion every second it is usual that one may overlap another. But deep down we still feel the emptiness about that certain thing. 

First start by making a circle and cut as many portions as you want. Start marking each portion with a term of emotion you may be feeling. Now start coloring each portion. Make sure you use the color that is making changes in your emotions or mind.  If you are coloring one portion green and making another portion green as well. Make sure to notice it. The color indicates human emotion we don’t feel any joy seeing something B/W. Which is why the world has so much color in it. That is why we feel different kinds of emotions when we see different colors. 

Ask yourself if the color you are making or want to make. So, make sure you are following certain things, “What are you feeling right now”, “Did you color anything similar”, and “What does the color mean”. Also, make sure what you are feeling is positive or negative. 

Other Ways to Consider as Art Therapy

Craftsmanship treatment envelops a wide extent of imaginative exercises that can offer assistance to people who express themselves, investigate feelings, and encourage recuperating. Past conventional drawing, portraying, and chiseling, numerous other shapes of craftsmanship can be restorative. Here are a few different ways to consider as craftsmanship treatment, advertising an assortment of roads for investigation and expression:

Digital Art Therapy

The use of digital platforms and software in the creation of art opens up new possibilities for expression. This can include digital painting, graphic design, and animation. Digital art therapy makes it easy to experiment with colors, shapes, and patterns, which provides a limitless basis for creativity.


Photography can be an effective tool in art therapy. Encourages people to grasp their perspective on the world around them. It can help focus on the beauty of everyday life, express complex emotions through images, or tell a story through a series of photographs.

Eco-Art Therapy

Incorporating natural elements into art such as earth art, using natural materials in sculptures or gardening. Helps connect the individual with nature. This form of therapy emphasizes the healing power of nature and our relationship with it.

Music and Sound Art

Creating music or soundscapes can be therapeutic, allowing people to express their feelings through sound. Writing lyrics, playing an instrument, or even putting together audio clips can be art therapy that taps into the emotional depth of music.


What is art therapy, and how can I do it at home?

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilizes creative expression to improve mental well-being. To practice art therapy at home, start by selecting a creative medium (drawing, painting, sculpting) and create without worrying about the outcome. Allow your emotions to guide the process and reflect on your feelings afterward.

Do I need artistic skills to benefit from art therapy at home?

No artistic skills are required for art therapy. The focus is on the process, not the end result. It’s about self-expression and exploring emotions rather than creating a masterpiece. Use colors, shapes, and forms to convey your feelings without judgment.

What materials do I need for home art therapy sessions?

Basic art supplies like paper, colored pencils, markers, or paints are sufficient for at-home art therapy. Use whatever you have available and feel comfortable using. Experimenting with different materials can add variety to your sessions.

How can I use art to express and cope with emotions?

Choose colors, shapes, and symbols that resonate with your emotions. For example, bright colors may represent happiness, while darker tones may express sadness. Allow the art to serve as a visual representation of your feelings. Take time to reflect on your creation and consider journaling about the experience.

Are there specific exercises or prompts for home art therapy?

Yes, there are various art therapy exercises you can try at home. For example, create a “feelings wheel” by drawing and coloring different emotions. Another idea is to use art to visualize a problem and then modify the artwork to explore potential solutions. Online resources and books often provide additional prompts and guidance.


Learning how to do art therapy at home is essential for everyone. The simple thing is mental pressure or issues are usual in fact much more common for most. Sometimes we feel shy or we don’t feel good enough to tell others about it. Which damages our mental institution. This is when this therapy plays its part. Remember your first goal is to explore your emotions and create something meaningful which can make others understand your creativity. Create an inner world and make significant artistic creations that help you to overcome.

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